My intention is for Human Kind to consciously create together the highest expression of collective potential, through a New societal design and standard, and authentically thrive as a species in harmony with all forms of Consciousness. On my channels I share a part of my contribution, perspective and experience, while attuning to what is needed and useful for the world from what I can offer. With this intention I want to partner with others and create together more and more expressions of this New.

Reach out as you feel called to, and we will figure things out together.

About me

My journey started with Business Leadership, ripening during two rich decades of leading multi-million businesses and teams within global corporate marcom. Conscious navigation of a profound awakening process taught me about empowered Self Leadership, and brought to surface another, deeper level: Unity Conscious Leadership. As we are individually and collectively awakening into our Golden essence of humanity, our evolving conscious, empowered genius creates New ways of Unity in All it touches. 

My work inspires and shares the vision of New and supports bringing it to life through partnership, win wins and the highest expressions of our essence.